Oct 2, 2012

Justification Ride

Certain holidays in Indian Republic are for name sake - Gandhi Jayanti being one. The list can go on, but I shall stick to the day.

Dhanno has kept me occupied lately and added woes of belated monsoons, the V-twins have seen no revving. So with Dhanno almost prepped up and Gandhi ji providing respite from office routine - I remove the HOG covers. There has been a dip in confidence in her battery as I have felt its down. Got it checked from service center though - but Rahul was happy with the way it was. FYI - my disagreement with them, is nothing new.

It is pertinent that I mention, there was a feeling that I try cranking her before getting ready - but bummer in me prevailed. So with deo sheo, boot shoot, gear shear I proudly press the Start button with my neighbor overlooking. Embarrassment Personified - she was dead asleep. Sheepishly I walked back in, cursing I should have tried that before. This would be the time for bummer to take a back seat as I recalled my recent heavy duty American purchase - Jumper Cables.

Dhanno's battery gladly obliged and off we went to BP 21 to set straight tyre pressures (earlier learning's). The fuel tank had enough for Shahbad and back, and we just kept revving till the time we hit back home - 2 hours later and 150kms of justification ride. Justification, for now was the time I could have squeezed time and I sincerely did, before I am off to my next adventure - RAID

No ill feelings - V Twins!

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