Aug 28, 2012


The word can derive many meanings; free dictionary defines HOG as:

  1. A domesticated pig, especially one weighing over 54 kilograms (120 pounds).
  2. A self-indulgent, gluttonous, or filthy person.
  3. One that uses too much of something.
  4. Slang chiefly US a large powerful motorcycle

Although all are relevant in their own way - but lets stick to the last one for the sake of doubt.

Harley Owner’s Group is worldwide – however, their movement in India (especially in Chandigarh region) has been true to Indian style – snail’s pace. It is pertinent to mention that Chandigarh has and is receiving step fatherly treatment from HD India HQ – the reasons for which are left entirely to one’s imagination. Though being critical of HOG is not expected of me especially when I have been recently appointed as Assistant Director for the Chandigarh chapter – but when has it ever stopped me. The so called privileged facilities for HOG members are non-existent as of now in the Indian mainland and they say they’ll be up soon – “THEY SAY”.

There are no expectations from HOG per se and I and rider friends would keep doing what we used to, the way we used to earlier. Just that now, it shall have another label called - HOG. The only positive outlook that I see is, we might just find a few passionate riders out of many, who irrespective of the banner they are riding under – just ride.

Let’s see what this chapter holds!

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