Aug 23, 2016


Riding lately has been adaptive. A cocktail of rain, drizzle and cloud-cover dont provide with the clarity of route or doable distance. To an extent laziness is my attribute and I am at that stage where I'd rather not ride, than ride and later give the bike 4 hours of TLC for the shine to return.

Day before yesterday was no different and we proceeded with same strategy. As it turned out, the weather gods were kind and gave the much needed break - it was a good day to ride. The two breakouts, with same exhausts and intakes, running parallel; sound no less than a helicopter. The rhythum of exhaust notes is just right, or if I may exaggerate, similar to that of a MI-17. 

@Delhi fuel refill

Noteable mention here, for which I pen this piece is the mileage. Not that these machines are used for daily commute, however I do like to keep a check on the performance of my machine. Riding at speeds of 100-110 Kph with no rapid accelerations or decelerations - till Delhi - the 1700cc Harley Davidson Breakout, gave a mileage of 23 Kmpl. 

I SAY AGAIN - mileage of 23 kilometer per litre for a super-bike.

Hence proved, put anything to its intended use and it shall deliver. The breakout is a cruiser.

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