Nov 14, 2020

HD India - KAPUT

Yes you heard it right - Harley Davidson India has officially downed its shutters leaving in lurch dealers and patrons alike. Ironically, just a few months back guys were celebrating completion of decade for HD India - unbeknown to many what the man on top had in mind. I get a message from one of the old timers, still going strong with HD until its shock & awe act; that I express my views on a certain forum. I give my 2 cents here.

Some guy, probably high on the race to climb stairs would have given a very bullish view of Indian market; guiding Americans to expand left right centre. Opening that many dealers - I would really like to know the numbers on which that action was substantiated ! Fine you might have had loaded enthusiasts pursuing you for dealerships, but sitting at the level where you are sitting you were bound to have a better view, unless you were just shamming it. Lets talk of our region - Chandigarh then Ludhiana and then very recently; Jammu. I would really love to meet the genius, who projected the market size justifying opening of 2 more dealerships besides Chandigarh. Then again, the guy who picked up a dealership in Jammu - I mean what are your thoughts brother ??  Really !! Just a few HOG rallies made you believe the o man. HOG rallies are nothing more than HOGwash. Over drinks everyone is a brother, least of all Harley Davidson which has just proven its brotherhood. Now dealers are planning legal action, owners are a pensive lot with some retorting to panic selling, dealership staff - your so called Harley contact point is getting fired - basically its all downhill for THE BROTHERHOOD.

On April 6 2010, I received an email with subject - Harley Davidson India Dealers; introducing five dealers in Chandigarh, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad & Bengaluru. In my opinion, they should have just stuck to these 5 for a decent amount of time before getting overly excited and jumping off the hill. These guys should have been given a clear mandate to create and establish market, to nurture a culture of Harley Davidson not only in customers but within team as well. Everything was done in a very fast forward way - there would have been all kinds of pressures and somewhere someone down the line missed one cue too many. Opening up an assembly plant to make Street 750 - a disgrace of a bike as Harley Davidson. What were they thinking !!

Personally I am not worried. I had long seen true colours of Harley Davidson in the very first year of Harley ownership itself. The so called image of Harley Davidson created in my mind over the years, was blown to bits; thankfully in the first year itself. Thereafter to this day its just a beautiful riding machine, that's all. Me and Malvinder we ride easy and avoid recklessness. We can import tools & consumables and I think be careful riding and we are good. As for the so called DIE HARD's, there ain't gonna be any more mileage patches, so suck it up and just ride.

Will hopefully see you all down the road !

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