Jul 29, 2017


To a certain degree there is sense of shame - am I doing justice to the machine ?

A lot has been happening in life. Flurry of motion and dynamism to the extent that its a waste, trying to make sense of things. That being said, when today I was literally coaxed by my riding partner to get on the horse, did I realize, that I actually own a fabulous machine. A machine, that many would give their left nut for, just to have a ride. I am both thankful and ashamed.

Did try to take the bike out a month back, but there was battery issue and some snag in circuitry, that it just didn't start. The battery was promptly replaced and snag further isolated in wiring of pressure horn. Having done that, the bike was operational yet it just stood there for more than four weeks. More Shame.

So maybe today was TLC day for machines. First it was the Ford truck, with its service due and then a short ride on Breakout with a detour to Harley workshop on return. Having done it, I am still not in the clear. I know that the workshop trip only happened since we rode in that direction, else, who knows ?

I will do justice and I will bring balance; just dont take it personal my Breakout.

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