Dec 24, 2012

Those 3

THOSE 3 (L to R): Mr. Gill, Mr. Sharma, Mr. Punia
Those 3 got together again.

Those 3 did'nt ride together for last 6 months for one reason or the other.

Among the 3: Mr. Punia's bike differential seal gave persistent trouble pitched in intermittently with his Thailand trips. Mr. Sharma had been having work and home duties to attend to. Mr. Gill was riding as and when; loner that he is.

Those 3 finally got together yesterday and rode to and fro Karnal.

It was the same bunch of 'Those 3' who got together irrespective; whilst others had hangovers, sudden family exigencies, late to early morning parties and what not reasons to miss.

The understanding, the vibe, the riding etiquette among 'Those 3' is still the comforting same.

Sanity in 'Those 3' still evades as they decided to ride on a dense foggy day than wait.

Long live the association - 'THOSE 3'

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