Jul 17, 2013

3 years and counting..

CH 01AD 9233 - is 3 years old this day.

I write to mark the significance of passing time, changing realities and changing me. It was a different charm attending the inauguration party and getting delivery of the first bike - I had enjoyed it thoroughly. And it was a different chapter altogether, when I was meted out with ground realities of my erstwhile dream brand; Harley Davidson.

I cherish my rides on the bike and I treasure the machine per se; but its not that I am itching to ride it everyday, the way I used to be. Mind has other priorities now, and life has another calling. Covered in wraps it stays, till the time Call Of Ride comes. 

In time people around have upgraded, some have shifted (brand), some plan to shift, while some have sold. I intend to keep it. The journey continues, whilst destination still remains unknown.

As I write check for insurance renewal - I'd say you've been a good girl CH 01AD 9233....


Sumit Sond said...

*I'd say you've been a good girl CH 01AD 9233....
no words cld bttr describe the emotion..:)

Seymour said...

Dude, gr8 going. Very well written!!!