Oct 2, 2017

Traffic Light

The term Long Weekend has been one of the fastest picked words from West by East. Not only in conversation, the term is being well utilised as well. With Dussehra and weekend hitting back to back, the last three days were one Long Weekend.

It needs to be verified if all those hotel booking websites give realtime information or not. Manali, upside Shimla, Jaipur - few of the places that I checked for these dates; I was told "You just missed it"

Kick back and spend time indoors with your family and friends. Traffic predominantly building up by the start of mid day, the three of us used these days fairly well to do early morning warm up rides. Weather is so right these days - its just so right. Let me beam this across all around - may there come a phase where everyday I just take my bike out in the mornings, return, chill maybe read a book, spend time with family and call it a day. Yea I would like that.

I was observing, so much has changed within as far as riding goes. Much has settled inside and the bike is as if on a cruise control. A lot of cockiness and boil has given in. 

So today morning when Navdeep suggested that we touch Anandpur Sahib and return - the plan was perfect. The three machines, in a staggered formation, same speed and near about same rpm hitting the curves and getting out of it - it was a sight. Traffic Light at Kurali junction was red and we stopped as were supposed to. The kind of rumble the machines would have been making was directly proportional to the effort people in traffic ahead made, to turn their necks around. No fidgeting, no revving, we three were just doing our time over there which seemed now to be stretching a little. With looks and glares flying all across - the riders were mature just as the rides. Typical to the temperament  of locals, the head of traffic column slowly started to snake its way forward in a display of growing urgency and sense of being wronged. The bikes - however - didn't move a millimetre.

No soon the colour changed, we were the first out. Calm, but vigilant. Cherishing, but alert.

We owned that Traffic Light - there and then!

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