Dec 9, 2019

Nice Bike

Ever since I started to feel that I own the Street Glide Special, things have been developing in a very sweet and fulfilling way. One change/ one addition at a time. Best part is, each time the excitement to run the bike cant be explained. I am enjoying.

My ride partner Malvinder ordered this ball for me (and himself) on his own & I quite didn't know what it was until I fitted it yesterday. Its called an antenna ball and overseas its used for many things, marketing being one. Funny little addition it is. Now when am riding, am having this guy strapped in his helmet, bobbing about here and there, but with one thing constant - his SMILE. It got me thinking, isn't that what life is all about ? With not one thing in control, bobbing about here and there,as waves of time take us places; always smiling until the day comes when we just fall of the antenna ! It was a good reminder - Thank You Malvinder.

Antenna Ball
So on our ride yesterday - going and coming from nowhere we were approaching Rajpura intersection with slow moving traffic. An army convoy was making its way, however we could find our spaces and reached the intersection itself. An army officer was directing his jawans, who were further regulating the traffic for convoy to pass. Tall fellow, in Ray-Ban aviators standing in the middle of road as if owning it - he must a Major saab; he seemed our age. Impressive sight I must say. As we approached, he was looking to my 3, however the sound and lights must have got the better of him as he turned 90 degrees to face straight. The right hand did a complete 180 degree as if to signal stop, but in the end his fingers just coiled and a thumb stood out. With thumbs up, and his face still contemplating the sight in front of him, I read his lips - NICE BIKE.

Thanks buddy - it sure is, I can only be grateful.

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