Jan 7, 2013

Brrrrrrrrrr Ride

Yesterday minimum and maximum temperatures were 2 & 9 degree celsius respectively

    THEM machines
    • Malvinder Punia initiated group chat labeled 'Brrrrrrrr' on WhatsApp
    • Those 3 were there in the group chat
    • None backed out, one motivated and others were YES
    • Start time was 11.30ish
    • Route was Chandigarh - Ambala - Rajpura - Patiala - Sirhind - Chandigarh
    • Cops when you don't need them. Those 3 were waved down, however little coercing from Punia Gas Service saw us through. INDIA
    • Sun shone after Ambala - so did roads
    • Rajpura welcomed with both flyovers open to traffic. Fly over nonsense in zilch of time
    • CCDay Bhupindra Road Patiala - 100 kms - halfway done
    • A reprieve to senses and some coffee with white sugar (no brown sugar)
    • Return
    • Phaatak at Sirhind - relief. The Earth was warm. Not for long
    • Landran - stop to buy GUDD. The Earth was warm - again. Not for long - again
    • Arrive

    Moral - Dont ask

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