Aug 4, 2013


There is a terminology in science known as Contraction and Rarefaction when we study on the subject of sound. I am currently being made to go though a phase of Contraction for some reason not known to me. Being ON for several months now, things have taken their toll and it almost touched tipping point Friday evening. Remedy - FUCK IT! 

Uneasiness followed through the night and couldn't stop mind humming Queen's - I want to break free. Next I know, I had Expedia'd a hotel in Gurgaon for Me and Fatboy.

Come Saturday, and I tie off some loose ends at office and off we were by 1300 hours. Sans the hotel address confusion, everything went well and my legs were on the pouf comfortably into dusk. The silence and change was welcome from a noisy life and a loud ride. I cherished my time alone and tried my hand on a new collage app - the results of which you can see alongside. Comfortably numb - sleep came easy.

Benefits of a lone rider - you move when you want to, as you want to. We hit road just before dawn and had a good head-start for return. Must give it to the sense of commitment of Haryana cops who had naka on NH1 at this hour for speed violations. Such dedication!

Ambala came and it was early - so we made a wee detour through Sirhind. Nice and soothing, the ride back this morning was stable, fast paced and well cherished. Fatboy behaved.

Lesson - No matter what happens, keep doing your shit. I thank the Lord.

The humming resumes - God knows, God knows I want to break free.....

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