Sep 15, 2013

The other '2'

Start - machines in dark
McD - no serve at 0700
Last weekend was a total flop show. The ride was standing shined with belly full of octane, the rider was up on time but the weather screwed it. Wise call to let it go, as downpour that came later in the day was pretty intense. 

Then this weekend it popped up again - the advent of inspection at one of my work sites in Jammu on a Sunday i.e. this day. Got a call last evening, that the plan has been cancelled and its a no go. Two weeks in a row - nah man....that's not me! I decided to go irrespective. With upcoming Raid-de-Himalaya rally, it was all the more convincing as I would be absent from both work and ride for a while.

Five 2's
Clinical execution to the start and we hit road 0458 hrs. Dasuya McDonalds was a turn down - seemingly they shoo away drifters at 0700 hrs of the day; I was at least an hour early as was told. 0930 hrs at the site - found the work in good flow and felt satisfied. 1015 hrs zip up and return base at 1530 hrs. Thank the Lord!

Pure riding pleasure. Absolute no nonsense disturbance. Morning had us find freaking high number of crows on road between Balachaur and Hoshiarpur. Struggled to avoid a bird hit, calling MAYDAY MAYDAY - eventually succeeded. Loner ride, good discipline, good energy, clinical execution and achieved good timings. Superseded my projections by at least 3 hrs. Most important of all, overcame self mental block that Jammu is far......nah man nothing is far.

Somewhere in between, odometer clocked the five 2's. I wonder, when and how will THE OTHER '2' occur!

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