Mar 20, 2012

And the dealership...

So now that the bike is in their custody since last Friday, it is still not back because the customer persisted that his bike be in perfect condition (although as per dealership it is fine). The customer was informed on Friday itself that "upon thorough inspection" it has been found that front bearings have worn out and so would have to be changed. Upon asked why has it happened that early; trust me you had to be on my end of phone line to hear their logic. I mean any logic that makes the customer silent would do - that is the mantra at Harley dealer's workshop - and for those who remain dissatisfied: "Sir, I will personally check"!!

Bearings - The fall back option
Next day (Saturday) I am asked to collect the bike, and so I go. With my experience, I didn't raise my hopes high for I know the dealership johnny's to the color of their jockeys. I am greeted with - "Sir aapki bike Khalid ne bahut tbiyat se teyaar ki hai" - and sir goes for the test ride, and same issue as before - the bike pulls to the left. For the record, in the tech's test ride earlier it was fine but now due to some cosmic intervention, he too finds it pulling to the left. The tyres have been changed, the bearings have been changed and wheel balancing......O...sir you don't need that as what I did was rotate the tyre by hand and found that there was no wobbling - Khalid the dealership tech. Keeping view of my history with Chandigarh dealership, the guys admit that since they don't have the weights (they have the machine though) they let it pass.

So a bit of sorry faces and bit of smiles to ease off the situation and the bike remains in workshop - because it is not about replacing 35 grand tyres every now and then, it is about finding the problem and resolving it, it is about perfection which the name Harley Davidson 'supposedly' guarantees. It is about the faith I reposed when I dished out 1.9 million rupaiyahs - and not for such ROADSIDE MECHANIC excuses (I have my RE for that). As of now its an experimentation field for them, as they say they have checked all parameters by the book (which I seriously want to review).

Bottom line, Harley or no Harley Indian attitude remains steadfast as I await the outcome. Wish me LUCK!

1 comment:

Sameer Gupta said...

Indeed - Best of Luck ... more for the Mechanic to find and fix the problem!