Dec 14, 2013


There has been (and still continuing) lull as far as riding scene goes. My lack of drive and energy can be attributed to single factor - getting in shape.

Yes, I have been trying to do that for last several months now and have been successful to a fair extent. I wish to continue with weight loss drive with the momentum, energy and rhythum in place. I do not intend to be seen as a FAT HOG; for that, my bike already carries fat factor in the name - FATBOY. Added thing, it feels good to be in shape and ward off the tiredness during longer rides. In between, was planning a major ride in the month of January 2014. As it seems, I'd rather make it happen later and get done with the task at hand.

So for now, its a whole lot of minerals going in and sweat glands pouring it out - lullaby for V-twins!

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